The Cheese Mag is launched today. Australia’s first Magazine entirely dedicated to the world’s favourite food – CHEESE. I’ve been involved in this project as Art Director from the very start and I’m really happy with the result. From initial branding, Media kits for advertisers to the final imagery and layout its been a great experience, and have really learnt a lot about cheese. Do you know what affinage is? Get a copy and drop that one at your next dinner party –

I Love Info Graphics

This is a bit of a ‘best of’ some info graphics jobs I’ve had recently. Well more the graphics rather than the info. Either way its graphic communication at its purest. I love it!

2 for 1 meals!

Here’s a couple images that I came up with for a local pubs 2 for 1 meal deal.

Go Dees!

A little image I made to celebrate the bottom of the ladder

Failed New Years Resolution No.1

Had big plans to create a new image everyday unrelated to work for a year as 2011 ticked over to 2012. The idea was for it to be a daily trip to the creative gym to keep the left side of my brain fighting fit. It lasted for about two months and then a new baby sort of got in the way. Hope to republish some of the better moments, and maybe even get back into ‘the gym’. Hope you like them. This one was a picture of ‘now’.

Op Shop Book find no.1

Whats this then? Hot new design studio brag book? Latest release from hot new design studio intern’s band ? A Nightclub flyer where hot new design studio intern’s band hang out? None of the above – Its ‘A poem to the Albanian Woman’ of course. Get on board kids. Dropping flouro inks 3o years before previously mentioned ‘hot new design studio’ even bought a pantone book, this 1972 piece of gold ended up in the local Salvos.

Nothing like a pun

Managed to make it as a finalist in last years Australian Graphic Design Associations Poster Annual. Whittled down to forty entrants from like millions, I was quite chuffed to make it. Yes mines the naughty one, but it was in response to the theme of ‘music’. Originally a call to action by Beat poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti in relation to Art, and revived as a tshirt in the heady days of punk (and intermittently ever since), I’ve reinvented it for the graphic designer – because sometimes typography is just not enough to say how you feel. Well in this case it is, kerning is the spacing between letters, and the source of much ‘tut-tuting’ amongst designers if done badly. Seems they let this one through.